Township of Chisago Lake

Chisago Lake Township Maintenance Department

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Video of our Maintenance Department Patching some Pot Holes on Leah Lane in South Township on June 26, 2023
The Maintenance Department consists of two skilled employees. Their duties include general maintenance and repair of roadways, traffic signs, township buildings, parks, properties and equipment. To best serve the needs of the community, the Township may also use the services of private contractors and consultants. The Township also retains an engineering firm for major road projects.
The Maintenance Department is located at 31603 Mildred Avenue. If you have road or traffic concerns, please contact the Chisago Lake Town Clerk at (651) 257-6906 or Maintenance Supervisor, Matt Wikleius at (651) 257-0435. We will try and address your concerns in a timely manner.
It is the mission of the Chisago Lake Township Maintenance Department to provide the citizens of Chisago Lake with the highest standard of public facilities consistent with sound engineering practices and fiscal responsibility.
If you see any damaged signs or roadway property within the Township, please contact the Town Clerk so that we may make arrangements for the repair.
Chisago Lake Township is responsible for a total of 76.5 miles of roadway. 34.7 miles of gravel and 41.8 miles of blacktop.
The Maintenance Department would like to let everyone know that they will begin spraying sometime in May when things start greening up. So if anyone would like to put out "NO SPRAY" signs we would suggest to do it in April. To get more information on the spray that will be used click on the following link Alligare Triclopyr 4.
Information on why Invasive Phragmites are a threat to our area, how to identify it and how to most effectively treat can be found on the following website:
If you have further concerns or questions on Noxious Weeds please check out the following website:
We have been receiving several calls in regards to dusty roads due to the very dry conditions this summer.
We would like to let everyone know that we do NOT apply Calcium Chloride to control dust. We apply Calcium Chloride to roads after applying a fresh coat of Limestone to help pack the Limestone and help eliminate washboarding.
Calcium Chloride is very harsh on vehicles and very expensive. The Township does NOT have the funds to apply Calcium Chloride on all our gravel roads. However, We do allow residents to have Calcium Chloride applied on their road at their cost. If you would like to have Calcium Chloride applied on your road at your cost I have listed a contact below.
We do ask that if you are having Calcium Chloride put down that you call the Townhall office or Maintenance department ahead of time and let them know so we can grade and prep the road before the Chloride is applied.
Dust Control - 952-426-2732
Thank you!!
Chisago Lake Township Snow Removal Policy
The goal of the Township is to have all roads, passable within a reasonable time after a snowfall. The Township of Chisago Lake North and South does not assure a completely bare road and will not sand entire sections of roadway. Users of the road system are expected to use and exercise caution when on Township roads. The legal speed limit is not possible at all times.
1). Dispatching of Snow Plows
Snowplows will be dispatched after the snowfall has stopped. During extended periods of snowfall, exceptions may be made. If snowfall stops during regular working hours plows will be dispatched. If snowfall stops during night time or early morning hours, plows will be dispatched between 4 a.m. and 5 a.m. Weekend plowing will be the same as weekdays.
Clearing of road will be done in the following stages:
a). Making road passage.
b). Widening and sanding when possible.
c). Cleaning and widening.
Homeowners are responsible for damaged mailboxes due to snow removal efforts on all incorrectly installed mailboxes and fences.
Township residents are to be reminded it is unlawful to plow snow from private drives onto or across public roads.
Jeanette Peterson, Clerk
Chisago Lake Township